Monday, March 14, 2011


We’re born to consume so the story goes
Eat it, buy it, take it, it’s yours

No holding back from your grandest desires
It yours, its mine, whatever we want

Whatever's in reach of your clutching grasp
You deserve it, you’ve earned it, don’t be shy now

Is this the way the plot was really written?
The story line seems to have gone astray

In the end we’re all editors, rewriting the book
Consumers consumed by the things that we took


  1. We have become consumers...its time we become producers
    Love the poem ^_^

  2. Great... Reminds me of what my Dad said about what my sister and I used to say when we were really young....

    "It's mine!"
    "No, it's yours!"
    "No, it's mine!"

  3. Great poem :)

    Quad(using sis's account)
